
The myth of the Antichrist is just that, a myth. The religious people say the Antichrist is evil I say not this one. If there is an evil one, I will destroy him or her.

Both the beast and I have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; the Beast and I will be attacking and exposing the corruption of our domestic enemies: the United States Legal System and the Democratic Party.

Antichrist Addresses Some of Your Comments:

Everyone has a different view of their heaven, and I don’t know if there is an afterlife or not, but I know if you can’t live and find heaven here what makes you so sure your views of heaven in the afterlife are going to be any better. Surely you don’t want to see your life on earth as it is in your heaven with all your friends and relatives and knowing all their secrets. What will you do with the people, friends, and relatives that have hurt you? My pretend God says: let’s bring back the old Garden of Eden and try to make earth a heavenly place. We have Gods who make you suffer and punish you if you want to see their heaven, but no God has ever revealed a heaven in the afterlife. Call me an evil bastard if you want but I only want to get rid of the hell on this planet. If you can’t help me do this, you can follow the sick prophesies, and deal with the Third World War. The corruption going on today is at the highest level in history, time for a change. Something to think about!

May Messages 5-5-2024

The Book of Leviticus

Here’s an interesting God, if you break some of his rules, and he wants you put to death. In this book it seems Yahweh is interested in Israel about cleanliness, sexual behavior, relationships, ownership, worship, sacrifices, and observance of holy days. Seems they like to sacrifice animals to Molech while Allah wants death to any human if you break any of his ordinances or statutory rules. Here’s a God that says follow me and do what I wish, or I will kill you. Allah, we need to talk.

You shall do my ordinances and keep my statutes […] I am the Lord, your God.” (Leviticus 18:3). Later Jesus makes a similar claim. It seems most of these stories were told around the 3rd and 1st century BC. These Gods like killing people especially if you break their ordinances or statutory rules. Back in the day, if you curse your father or mother, you shall be surely put to death. If you commit adultery, you shall be surely put to death. If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman you shall be surely put to death. If a man or a woman is a medium or has similar spirits surely that man or woman shall be put to death. If a man takes his sister, it is a wicked thing, and they shall be cut off in the sight of their people, somehow this God spares the death penalty for this one. Finally, the second temple is destroyed, and animals and humans are not sacrificed to any God anymore. How special? Moses has claims Yahweh told all this shit to Moses, but it sure seems like a story of god’s deathly rules: if you don’t follow my ordinances and statutes, I’ll kill you! Ask yourself just how the cleanliness, disease, bathing, medical doctors, and toilet facilities in those times were. Thus, a man not a God has claimed to be a god, as he knew cleanliness was a serious problem back then and decided to try to fix it with ordinances and statutes. Anyway, this book probably got us on the right track for cleanliness, and impurities that were making humans sick. As the Antichrist, I am appalled at the Catholic Church, for not allowing rubbers (prophylactics) to be used to control disease, any god in my book should be ashamed for even allowing this order. This might directly relate to this book of Leviticus, but the church’s main point was to increase their flock of worshippers, which seem to have worked for them, as they spread diseases which is appalling.

The Book of Numbers

Deals with the struggles of the Jews in the desert for 40 fucking years and details a census for the 12 tribes. All these tribes struggled for territory control in the Land of Canaan. Today the land of Canaan includes Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, SW Syria, Jordan, and West Bank. So, which God gave Abraham and his descendants Canaan? Since Moses wrote all this shit who really knows which God and who the hell cares? The Muslims want Canaan and Israel wants Canaan, so they both say Fuck You and a war starts. They both need some help, for sure. The Palestinians need a new and gentler God; they know Allah likes war and killing people, but Hamas went after the wrong tribe and lost 27,000 Allah followers in Gaza. As the Antichrist I state: If there is a god out there just how much killing is necessary or required to satisfy any living God’s holy ass? So, I don’t give a shit which God you believe in, none appear to have any common sense of decency. Religions have shit canned love your neighbor as yourself and want you to kill each other. Nice fucking plans for all you idiots.

May Messages 5-13-2024

Political Message

Christians are you doing enough against the evil in the world today? If you think Jesus or any other prophet (or God) is gonna fix this political corruption, get a life, you need to start taking charge and stop all this corruption or we all shall pay the price. The shit they doing to remain in power is pure evil and you are ignoring it. We have some real evil pricks trying to make America a socialist type of government, So, I don’t think you’re paying attention to their con of cons in America. Looks like we have about 40% of you Christians thinking everything is OK. This is a serious fucking problem people. The party I’m thinking about is a group of beasts that can burn down a hotel for the homeless and then report we now have the evidence that the oppressing party did it. There is a lot of corruption going on, yet there are also a lot of words by Republicans saying we have the evidence of this evil corruption, and they can’t do a damn thing about it, just because of the absolute corruption going on in our legal system and other government agencies. So, you can’t trust anyone anymore, including attorneys as you witnessed Cohen’s testimony! The main street media will show evidence if it helps the socialist party win a vote and not show any evidence helping The Great American party. Not only do these evil pricks seem to control the Media, but they also seem to control key Judges in our current legal system. Even worst, they seem to have control over other government agency like the FBI and our DOJ. It is also a heinous disgrace that some legal people see the obvious unconstitutional attack of a Presidential Candidate, but our fucking court system and Congress can’t seem to end this kind of Mafia Justice, even when they see that our United States Constitution has become defunct. The Republican Party is not perfect, but the Democrats have crossed the line as fucking traitors. So, if you still think the antichrist is evil, you’re in for a big surprise. Something to think about, for sure!

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May Messages 5-20-2024

Open Border Crisis

Why is no one talking about the security risk of the open border? The media including; ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and many more have never told you about the security risk of the open border. Seems like something people don’t remember 9/11 or the semi with 53 dead people in the truck after they crossed our border. The 9/11 people came across our border and learned about U.S. targets that they wanted to hit and how to effectively destroy them. Now we have many more crossing the border and they don’t even know what’s inside the trucks, could it be nuclear bombs that are getting through? They tell us that can’t happen, but we now have over a million people that have crossed our border and we don’t know where they are or what they’re up to, this is a serious risk for America. I would like you to seriously think about our water supplies, power supplies, infections, food supply, refineries, and maybe deadly gases. It seems our media and the Democratic Party are brain dead. We need a public outcry to wake these people up and close the border before the next crisis occurs in America, unless it is already planned.

May Messages 5-29-2024    

Who are the Antichrists?

I mentioned an evil antichrist earlier, but many evil antichrists are in the world, so there is much work to be done. Questions: Is Biden an antichrist? Is it Mayorkas? Is it Wray? Is it Garland? Is it the American Legal System? Or could they be just disciples of an evil antichrist? We better find out if who is evil. Keep in mind there are antichrists out there that say, we are indeed Christians, go figure. Can it get any worst, bet your ass it can? Hang on when you see the light and the truth of the corruption that is going on. The psychological effects upon your brain may trouble you and perhaps even terrify you. First, you may not know if something is true or false and that is making it tough on your brain to know if something is right or wrong. Hang in there tough, we’re gonna need your help, to fix this mess. And I’m still hoping it doesn’t take a revolution to eliminate this evil. 

I certainly wish that there was a God that could help us, but all Gods only communicate in silence which is just too stupid for me to accept. Keep your belief if you need to and maybe your God will help you see the light. There is also a misconception about who can be an Antichrist and that is: there are many women that are Antichrists. Some Antichrist women are just as evil as any male Antichrist and some of these female Antichrists are fucking men left and right in America. Some of these women use men to get what they want, and they don’t give a fuck what gets in their way. Some of these women lie like rugs and they even trick men to back up their lies. They now have our courts protecting all their rights especially when sex is involved. Women can use sex to get what they want, and they can use sex to destroy any man. These Antichrist women can get drunk and fuck anybody they want and go to court even years later and say he raped me, or they all raped me. The thing is an evil woman can rape most men anytime they decided, especially when she wants a rich husband to take care of her evil ass. That’s why it is so important to find a good woman and it is tough today because there are so many evil women out there are playing their sex games. There are evil Antichrist lesbians who rape women, and they are getting away with it. And some of these evil Antichrist women are younger than 18 years of age and they have been protected for far too long. These evil Antichrists have punished young couples for falling in love before 18 years of age and this does happen when a guy is over 18 and the girl is under 18. Some of these young couples have the male on the Megan List for life even after they get married. Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis are lucky these evil Antichrists didn’t have these Megan laws in place. The Megan laws are not just about sex it’s all about killing your victim too. So, I ask why do we have a government that tells you when you allowed to fall in love? Why do we have a government controlling our medical treatment or even ordering us to keep an unwanted child? Why do we have a government telling us you can’t take a painkiller prescribed by a doctor, but you have a fucking government that allows the DEA to let you take drugs that can destroy your liver or kidneys and possibly even kill you. Is our fucking government out of control?